Tuning In (2022)

Tuning In is a composition written for trashcans in collaboration with composer Luke Deane. By attachting bashshakers to the bottom, resonant tones could be found that reveal the materiality of the trashcans musically. In combination with the movement of the lids a dynamic area of sounds come to being.

The work is part of a series with trash cans, preceded by  Trash Talk (2021) and continuted by Talking Trash (2023).

This work was shown at:

Sounding Here
Batavierhuis, Rotterdam

Wild Summer of Art pt. 2 
Brutus, Rotterdam 
07/08/2022 - 04/09/2022

H(a)L - Het Archief
Het Archief, Rotterdam
06/11/2022 - 18/12/2022