Trash Talk (2021)

Trash Talk is an installation piece transforming two trashcans into vocal entities. The work explores how trashcans can be given a voice by translating the rhythm and structure of dialogues into movement of the lids. Starting with multiple written texts, sentences were deconstructed and the lenght of words and their individual components were analysed. This analysis was linked to the speed and duration of the wiper motors movement, animating the lids. For articles, I used fast and short movements. Longer words translated in longer and slower movement.

By giving the steel cans a language, they break free from their conventional role as functional object.  The cans that usually functions as a place made for unwanted things disappear into, become places that learn to articulate, engaging in a unique form of communication. Like the smart devices in our homes, the two objects communcate with each other in a language inaccessible to us, humans and form a lifeworld between them.

The next iteration of this series on voicing the trashcans is Tuning In, a collaboration with Luke Deane investigating the musical potentional of the cans. 

Code can be accessed here

Inside Out
Roodkapje, Rotterdam


2 trashcans
2 garbage bags
2 wiper motors from the car scrapyard


11.03.2022 - 19.03.2022
Hilton Art Lab, Rotterdam  

This work has been shown at

Inside Out
Roodkapje, Rotterdam

11.03.2022 - 19.03.2022
Hilton Art Lab, Rotterdam

Time is the New Space
12/08/2022 - 16/09/2022