Pondering the knuckles (2021)

Pondering the Knuckles (2021) is an installation that show shows two branches in dialogue, subtly relating to each other with their pondering movement. These deceased entities were given a mechanical sense of life using wiper motors and pieces of scrap metal, amplifying their limb-like characteristics. By animating them with Perlin noise, the sculptures move spontaneously, creating a sense of autonomy in these artificial creatures. When left alone for a while, they started moving around the space, creating patterns on the floor. The floor became a memory, like a long-exposure photograph.


4 branches
3 wiper motors
a big rock
a spring
pieces of scrap metal

Urschleim Expo 2021

Urschleim Expo was a series of exhibitions presented at Galerie de Maaskoe in Rotterdam. Participating artist were Nuno Orlando, Lore Pilzecker, Marieke Peeters, Isa van Lier and Sachia Pereira Stolle. Every week another (group of)  artist(s) took over the exhibitions space. During this week, I exhibited with ceramic artist Isa van Lier.

Open Studios Borgerstraat 

At Borgerstraat the sculptures were given a new life in new context. One was hung from the staircase, creating a new work called “Drafting the Staircase”. The other was placed in an installation in the studio of Gert Rietveld, one of the residing artists here. His studio was only accessible by viewing it from a small CRT screen, connected to a security camera tied to Gert’s forehead. By giving order, it was possible to explore Gert’s studio and the work within..


This work was shown at:

Urschleim exhibition
17.07.2021 - 20.07.2021
Galerie de Maaskoe
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Open Studios Borgerstraat 2021
02.07.2021 - 04.07.2021
Studios Borgerstraat
Rotterdam, Netherlands

11.03.2022 - 17.03.2022
Hilton Art Lab
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Book of Premonitions 
17.05.2023 - 18.05.2023
De Doelen
Rotterdam, Netherlands 



scroll down for the code:

To program the branches I used what is called Perin Noise, a type of noise created by Ken Perlin in 1983. This type of noise is often used to create procedurally generated terrain. With the pseudo-random nature of Perlin Noise, I believed it could lay a good foundation for the spontaneous behavior of an autonomous living being. Underneath you can find the program, written for an Arduino UNO, that translated a mathematically generated Perlin Noise into a PWM signal send to the gate of a homemade MOSFET motor control circuit. Because of the unstable nature of the code, a hard reset was included after a couple of minutes (i2 > 5000).

Github repository: