The Muttering Void (2023) 
with Vølksamt!

This project is still in development.

In “The Muttering Void: Vacuum Cleaners and Trash Cans Unplugged” artists Gökay Atabek and Werner van der Zwan explore how vacuum cleaners and trashcans can be given a voice and relate to us humans, in a sonic fashion. Separately, both artists have worked extensively with animating and sonifying objects. Gökay Atabek explored the vacuum cleaner with the piece “16000 Watt” and Werner van der Zwan the trash can with “Talking Trash”. Together, they attempt to merge the vocabulary they have developed for these objects within the context of a performance piece.

It is coded in our perception of reality that trash disappears from our world. Vacuum cleaners and trash cans are examples of the black holes the trash disappears into, where it stays out of sight and out of mind. Obviously, trash never truly disappears. Instead, it tends to haunt us, re-emerging in the strangest places; like the bits of microplastics in our blood vessels and the medicine in our drinking water. What if we try to see these black holes as actors within this exchange?

With the piece, the artists explore how a voice can be given to these objects so that we can relate to them almost as intermediaries, actively partaking in the journey of trash.

Wasteland: Streams of Waste


3 vacuum cleaners
8 trashcans
5 wiper motors 
3 fans 

3 trash bags 

Next show:

Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Muttering Void was shown at:

Grey Space in the Middle
The Hague, Netherlands